In exciting news, the FDA approved Medtronic’s deep brain stimulation (DBS) system known...see more
ONAPGO: A Newly-Approved Medication for OFF Periods in Parkinson’s
ONAPGOTM: A Newly-Approved Medication for OFF Periods in Parkinson’s Breaking News! The first subcutaneous (under the skin) apomorphine infusion,...see more
EPA Bans TCE, a Solvent Linked to PD
In an exciting development for the Parkinson’s disease (PD) community, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned two solvents, trichloroethylene...see more
Vyalev: A Newly-Approved Medication for Parkinson’s Disease Motor Fluctuations
Breaking news! The first subcutaneous (under the skin) 24-hour infusion...see more
Adaptive DBS – a new approach to improve PD symptoms
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a surgical procedure in which thin electrodes are implanted into parts of the brain...see more
Recently published research on induced pluripotent stem cells by APDA-funded researchers
APDA-funded researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, including Drs. Isabel Lam and Anastasia Kuzkina, under the leadership of Dr. ...see more
Crexont®: A Newly Approved Parkinson’s Medication
New Carbidopa/Levodopa Formulation Approved for Reducing OFF Time Amneal Pharmaceuticals, Inc. announced today that their new medication IPX203, now known as...see more
Healthy Brains Act Takes Aim at Environmental Causes of Parkinson’s and Other Neurodegenerative Diseases
Today, Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton announced the introduction of a new bill which aims to fund research into environmental causes...see more
Historic News for the PD Community
The National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act Has Been Signed into Law Today we celebratethe President’s signing of the...see more
Understanding levodopa-induced dyskinesias: APDA-funded research published
Congratulations to our 2020 APDA Research Grant Awardee Dr. Karen Jaunarajs for her work on understanding levodopa induced dyskinesias....see more